Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Taiwan cuisine @The Gardens

met up with Kit Ying, Mui Siew and Jo the other day and had a long brunch at The Gardens Mid Valley. We decided to try out the Taiwan restaurant that opened recently.

It's something new for me, Taiwan food is still rare compare to other mainstream food like western, fastfood, japs etc

Some of the appetizers are quite exotic and not all of us might eat it such as the fried intestine and organs =_="

Ordered two pots of flower tea, i like the fragrant and it actually taste drinkable for once, the secret is you have to mix the flower with tea leaves like oolong.

salthy fried chicken set 盐酥鸡, crunchy with lots of MSG hehe...

3 cups chicken set 三杯鸡, taste like Gung Bou style 宫保 with mixture of white rice wine flavour yummy!

still sizzing hot yay!!

Minced pork set

Kit ying ordered the egg wrapped rice, Taiwan version of nasi pattaya haha...

Mui Siew ordered fried ribs bento set, crunchy!!

No it's not fried intestine hehe...

spring roll aka popiah lor...

we hadn't meet for a long time so had a really long girly chat there... started eating at 12pm and left at 3pm haha...refilled our teas countlessly haha...

last but not least fried salthy chicken again hehe...

Overall, i like the food and their comfort seating! ^.^

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