Monday, October 20, 2008
Maybe i was too tense all this while for all the things happened recently... was reading the latest issue of Cleo and came across this very 'rejuvenating' column - Bootcamp for the soul. Definitely a very useful guide for me and maybe for people who are having a stressful life. I gonna start practicing and work it out for my days of carefree life! ^^
a few good tips (which i can totally relate :p) mentioned in the column...
1. Self acceptance
Having personal and professional goal is encouraged, but perfection is not reality. Ask youself "Is this important to me?" "Does it make me happy?" "Is it taking me a step closer to my big goal?"
2. Work / life balance
Do something you enjoy everyday, like listening to music, ringing a friend or reading a magazine. It's about quality not quantity. Be it just for 15 minutes, get a time for yourself.
3. Learn from your mistakes
There's no failure, only feedback. Pick out things to learn from even if it's a really negative situation. Personal growth stems from painful experiences!
4. Find the good in the bad
It's about making a negative situation positive! E.g If your boss or colleagues is in a bad mood one day, you may thing he/she doesn't like you or that you've done somehthing wrong, when in fact they may have just received some bad news. So before taking it personally, ask yourself whether there could be another explanation for their behaviour - often there will be.
Monday, September 29, 2008
People being harsh, being stern, being an ASS! and told me did not intend to be one but is just because want me to learn through the hard way. I have thought of escaping, but wanna keep holding on because i still believe i'm able to fight it through. I have questioned myself over and over again is it worthwhile, but deep down inside i know i'm not ready to let it go just yet. Just give me a little more time...
Monday, September 01, 2008
I admit I can get angry easily recently, mostly due to work stress. I'm still learning all I could for the role I am placed at, finding my path to fit in to the company culture, their way of doing things, to push myself to achieve what I am supposed to achieve in my position...
It all pushes me to my limit where I'm starting to become short-tempered, pessimistic, full of anger.... all the symptoms that I do not wish to see on myself.
I have now decided to let myself to understand that there are things that I cannot do now, there are things we need to learn through experience, and I should be happy if I have already tried my best 做好自己本份.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I like her songs... used to get me through my emo days... it's as if i can feel the lyrics
just feel like sharing one of my fave song - Nobody's home
couldn't tell you why she felt that way,
She felt it everyday.
And I couldn't help her,
I just watched her make the same mistakes again.
What's wrong, what's wrong now?
Too many, too many problems.
Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs.
She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.
Open your eyes and look outside, find the reasons why.
You've been rejected, and now you can't find what you left behind.
Be strong, be strong now.
Too many, too many problems.
Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs.
She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.
Her feelings she hides.
Her dreams she can't find.
She's losing her mind.
She's fallen behind.
She can't find her place.
She's losing her faith.
She's fallen from grace.
She's all over the place.
She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.
She's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh...
She's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh...
who's going to her concert? heard the tix are selling fast...
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Had dinner with Canny at Kirara mamak stall Sri Petaling around 8 something, perfect timing to witness the Beijing Olympic opening ceremony. The ceremony is amazing! The choreography is awesome, I'm really amazed at the effort China put into this event, must be tremendous!
After work at about 11 something, i drove straight to McD at the Sg. Besi Petronas station to meet the guys. Fei lou came down to KL to witness his brother registration. It's been a while since the last time we hung out.... we were watching the opening ceremony while chit-chatting. Felt so tired though, after a long day work... Thank god it's friday!!
Woke up at about 7am by a call from aunt. I promised her to join her for swimming and I only slept at about 3am last night!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... promise is meant to be kept, so I dragged myself to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face, prepared my swim suit and ciao.
I managed to finished 5 laps eventhough i'm drop dead tired haha...
Then, I went back home and try to catch some sleep before meeting up with Kam Kam later in the evening...
Kam Kam just came back from JB for her wisdom tooth canaling. She's been having this toothache for weeks! So we had some light snacks at the HK cafe nearby her house and caught up with each other's life....
Bear bear is going to get married early next year!! and we are going to be her "sisters"! The first girl in our gang to get married, so happy for her ^.^
Watched the Mummy 3 at 1 Utama with the ex colleagues. The movie sucks!! The whole story is just ridiculous T___T (Alert: Anyone who has not watch it, please do not waste your money ok!)
Sometimes I don't like Sunday cause I can't help but thinking about Monday is coming soon =_="
Had my brunch at Kuchai Lama then went to MV to do some shopping =)
Everywhere is hanging the sales tag in front of their shops! 50%, 70&, final reductions blah blah blah....
I bought 2 Zara cardigans (1 black and 1 white which i can wear it with almost anything), 1 black fitted top and a American eagle outfitter's long skirt (very bohemian style, can try some new style hoho..)
Then, went over to IT world to check out some voice recording gadget. I have been trying to find a voice recorder to record down my senior's KT (aka knowledge transfer) session so that I can playback to listen to it over and over again.... cause I have a memory like Dory =(
After checking some mp3 and mp4 players, I got myself a mp3 player which has a voice recording function. Of course the voice recording quality cannot compare to those voice recorders but it's cheap, somemore I'm not using it for interviews, so don't care la...
it's getting late now.... time to meet 周公 again hoho...
Friday, August 01, 2008
I hope this period will come to an end.... God knows when....
Anyhow, I will try my bestest best to overcome all the obstacles. =)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The Black Canyon Cafe has a lot of creative fusion food to choose from Spaghetti Tom Yum to Fried Udon in Thai Style. Since it was still early and not so good to stuff myself with heavy meal before exam, I decided to order their breakfast set which consist of tea and egg mayo & tuna sandwich...
The tea comes with a small plate of mini alphanumeric biscuits which reminded me I used to had this cute lil biscuits with a mini cup of milo during my kindergarten. Those were the days....
One thing about the sandwich was that they should have chilled the sandwich before serving... Sandwich tastes better in chilled.
Tom Yum Fussili, I actually like their Tom Yum soup, not so spicy and the sourness is just fine.
Fettuccine in chicken ham sauce. The carbonara sauce is a bit too thick for my liking...
Head straight to Iverson for exam after having breakfast, the test was pretty easy and predictable though. Then decided to drop by Seremban to handle some stuff and went to Melaka for food!
I first stopped to try both Nyonya laksa and Baba laksa at the famous laksa eatery located at the Jonker street. The Nyonya laksa is similar to the Asam laksa we normally had but with an extra boiled egg. The Baba laksa on the other hand taste like curry laksa with Tuna replacing the chicken / seafood. The Baba chendol is refreshing after walking all the way to the Jonker street from the parking space under the hot sun. ^.^
Bought some very cute cartoon magnets along the way at Jonker street....
Proceeded to the new mall in Melaka - Dataran Pahlawan after I couldn't stand the sweaty hot weather anymore. The mall only has 2 floors but nonetheless has a wide selection of shops including the Padini Concept stores, Esprit, Mango, Quicksilver etc. I bought a pair of heels and a T-shirt while killing time in the mall.
A trip to Melaka ain't complete without eating the famous satay celup. I had tried some of the recommended satay celup eateries including Capitol (well known where lots of celebrities eaten here before but personally i think their satay celup is overrated), Ban Lee Xiang (has 2 joined shops and mostly full house during weekend, the satay celup taste just alright) and the newly opened Teochew satay celup. The Teochew satay celup is opened just next to Ban Lee Xiang but with a cleaner and nicer deco. Their satay celup selection is more or less the same as Ban Lee Xiang. For all the satay celup I had in Melaka, I like the road-side satay celup stall the most. Not only does its satay sauce has the riches peanuts flavour but it is also the cheapest satay celup I had so far selling 40cent each for ALL food sticks! However, this is a road-side stall, so for those who put hygienic as their top priority on food then they better opt for the shops.
Since I have an early appointment the next morning, I head back straight to KL after having satay celup. It's a satisfied trip even though I didn't manage to eat the road-side stall satay celup . I wonder if I can ever get tired of Melaka - the city of historic and full of nice food. I'll be back!
Thursday, May 01, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008
MDG = Another lame popularity show
Hanis is the sweet girl next door and got the innocent malay looking. She might be the only one threatening Cheesie though. Since now MDG has become just another voting-rules-all show, I'll be happy if anyone wins except for Cheesie.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Sis asked me if wanna go for Janice concert this coming May, 300 bucks for front row seat since her friend's family is working in Galaxy which is the concert main organizer. 300 bucks!!! I sooooo wanna go to her concert but thinking about 300 bucks, there's so much I can do with it.... I'm getting soooo stingy I don't even know pffffff =__=" and then there's Beauty and the beast musical this coming June, any musical fan here interested???
Monday, April 07, 2008
Determination in my opinion is the most important criteria. To achieve what you want, you need to have strong determination enough to motivate yourself towards getting it. Sometimes I find myself have the determination but lack of confidence, which is soooo important when it comes to public speaking. This is one huge hurdle I need to overcome with....
Holly won!
boyish Ben
Watched Ah Long Pte Ltd the other day... the movie is hilarious!! It's been sometime since i last watched a show that's sooooo funny and I managed to learn a few funny terms: lim beh, chao ah kua etc hahahaha. The movie was mostly shot at Kuala Lumpur, go watch it and sure you will laugh from the beginning till the end. ^.^
The three kingdoms on the other hand is a much serious movie which the story revolves around 三国 which Andy Lau is the ultimate commander that never lose a battle before. Frankly speaking, I think Andy's acting in Warlords (投名状) is much better than in three kingdoms even though he acted from young to old. Another imperfection is that the production should have used Andy's own voice instead of getting some

Had my dinner at D'italian Kitchen after getting my wages last last week. The restaurant has just opened for a couple of months which located at Jaya 33 next to True fitness. The deco and setting is nothing too glamorous or classy, just warm and cozy.
Wide selection of pastas...
twisted glass
cozy settings...
Spaghetti vongole... thumbs up for this!!
my fave Italian dessert - pick me up
There's this mini fountain deco near the exit...
a turtle enjoying sun bathing!! cute right....
Monday, March 24, 2008
Typical Sunday
Waking up early in the Sunday morning is so not me... alas I have problem having a good sleep recently, maybe it's due to my newly bought pillow which claimed to be able to enhance blood circulation that can improve sleeping quality?! Or maybe I just haven't got used to my new pillow?!
Anyhow, I grabbed my old pillow and sat in front of my computer to watch the latest episode of Make me a Supermodel. This reality show is hilarious! Every week the candidates will perform a series of photo shoots and catwalks, judges will select the bottom three among them to put up for voting. The one with least votes will be eliminated. Something similar to ANTM but the ultimate power of elimination comes from the viewers instead of the judges. There has been quite a lot of model talent show recently; even
My fave dreamgirl to date is Fiqa. She has a very elegant and sophisticated style plus she has the height of a model.
Cheesie sounds phony to me... I have been a loyal reader of her blog and thought she might have what it takes when it comes to personality but after watching episode 6, you'll probably have the same thinking like me... a bit beh tahan when she cried like someone just passed away saying "why you guys didn't vote for her" when the 3 girls were voted out. Hello?! I know girl is emo when it comes stuff like this but I think she exaggerated it and probably want the show to project a sympathetic side of her?! Anyway, that is just my personal opinion.
Eyna has got the most potential to become a model. She got the height and looks but her shy personality doesn't stand out among the other girls, so we shall see…
Baking 101:
1. Mix flour, sugar, egg and water together
2. Added in melted butter and mix it up.
3. Melted chocolate / peanut butter for own flavoring
4. Put mixture in paper cups and added in chocolate / peanut butter.
5. Put some almond flakes or raisin on the top for deco.
6. Bake for 30 minutes in pre-heated oven.
7. Voila!
went over to Dessert Bar at Mont Kiara in the afternoon. The name of the shop says it all. It offers a variety of smoothies, home made ice-creams and mousse desserts.
Berry-licious. Custard mousse with berry jello at the bottom =D
Black sesame and soy milk ice-cream. I love it! Not too sweet to my liking...
Grape smoothies. I love it X100!! Not those fake artificial flavoring, made 100% from grapes =D
Enjoying a quiet Sunday reading a good book while having my favorite dessert. Priceless.
I got fever recently. French mani fever! =D Bought this Sally Hansen's French Manicure kit from Watson the other day. It's a bit pricey for nail polish cause I normally buy nail polish from Skin Food or The face shop for less than 20 bucks each. But it's worth it cause it really glides smoothly on my nails! =)
French mani anyone? =p
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Getting my own place
Hmm.... any room to let that comes with washing machine, broadband connection and home cooked food?! wahahahaha....
Friday, February 01, 2008
Survivor lesson
Just finished watching Survivor: China. It's been some time since i catch up with the show again. The last Survivor show i remembered was Survivor All Stars which Amber won the million bucks. I was actually quite surprised this show is still going strong in its ratings and is entering its 16th season in the coming February.
After watching the show. I would say Todd actually deserve to win the million bucks because he really outwit and outlast the game. Bare in mind this is a game, from the moment you participate in it, you know there will be alliances, backstabbing, lying, cheating whatever. The thing is how you got people to vote for you at last while you back stabbed and cheated him/her .

Plenty of lessons to be learned from Survivor.
1. In order to defeat your enemy, you must know his/her weaknesses. (Todd got his alliances to vote off Jean Rober once he knew that JR knew the hidden immunity secret. Todd certainly knows that Jean Rober's big mouth gonna screw his plan and stir people's mind around)
2. Know your own strength and weaknesses. (Todd knew he's not physically the strongest, being the dwarf among the guys, he immediately form alliance with Amanda from day one and pull in the weakest member Courtney to avoid attack from his group)
3. Stay rational and think before you act. (Todd sure knows how to sabotage Amanda's reputation by spilling out that she back stabbed Denise in front of the jury, even though it's unintentional. He persuaded Amanda to vote for Denise by telling her Denise might get the sympathy votes from the jury, good analysis Todd)

The coming season is Survivor: Micronesia Fans vs Favorites . Can't wait!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
yet another tragedy...
One of the three victims who died in this horrible accident is a bright young medical student Nian Ning. It's just so sad to see this kinda tragedy happen endlessly yet the authority act like they have nothing to do with it.
Some of the survivors witnessed the driver was speeding and SMSing while driving in heavy rain!! o_O Are you kidding me?!!
Friends of Nian Ning is setting up a petition against the bus company, please raise your force to end this heartbreaking tragedy for once and for all.
Help Nian Ning’s Family, Fight With Them.
Monday, January 28, 2008
GreenValley cafe, SS2 PJ
As it was a public holiday, uncle sim drove us out to have lunch. We ended up having our lunch at GreenValley Cafe at SS2. This cafe was taken over and revonated from the previous "Butt Kin Butt Sun" 不见不散 HK restaurant which is just opposite the famous Wong Kok Char Chan Teng.
Noticed the crowd at Wong Kok, we decided to try our luck at this newly opened cafe...
The restaurant owner renovated the restaurant into a modern asian interior...
We ended up being late from lunch because of this!! They took a freaking 45 minutes to prepare a nasi lemak?! And we don't find anything special with it o_O
Overpriced mee siam that the taste is not good at all and I can probably buy 5 plates full of mee siam at the hawker stall opposite my office!!
some blah soda...
cintan instant noodle that i cook myself taste anytime better than this....
still consider edible.... at least
all of us didn't really enjoy the food and hopefully there will be some improvement the next time i visit them (will i ever?)...