After calling the driver to remove her car, i startup my car, removed my car's sunshade while waiting for the driver to come...
i wait...
and waited for 10 minutes. Being a lil impatient, i called up the driver again. Phone engaged. I called up second and third engaged!
So i thought probably she's on the phone or something.
Finally she picked up my call...
Me: hello... (i barely finished my hello yet...)
Driver: I'm in the lift now!! ( i owe her money like that!!)
It's understandable she double parked given the limited parking space here but it's NOT understandable she talked to people like that!!
After the rude phone call ended. I was still kept waiting...waiting and waiting...
10 minutes later, the aunty finally pops up walking towards her Gen2 while talking on her mobile phone. =_="
It was already 25 minutes later when i finally on my way back... thus, caught in the traffic JAM!!
Hey that area is my usual parking spot.. Hehe... norm with double parking la...
that's already consider "normal" attitude of Malaysian.
I found it really different with Korean or Japanese in that kind of situation.
Where are we lacking off?
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